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Moonshots & Resources
On my goal of building a company in 2023.
Howdy from Durham,
Welcome to the 11 new subscribers from this past week!
Today, we're jumping into my thoughts on the future of my own work.
We're ~40 subscribers away from my goal of hitting 250 by the end of 2022.
My ask to you this holiday season: please give me the gift of forwarding this email to someone in your network who you think might enjoy it.
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The first failure of many.
Folks who have been a part of this community know that I am a man on a mission.
Specifically, I want to enact the following changes within the education system:
Develop an engaging curriculum that prepares high school students with the skills that they need to succeed as adults.
Create a 1-year alternative route post-high school where students serve communities across America and become eligible for scholarship/job opportunities after completion of the program.
This year, I pursued #1 with the creation of Essential Skill Sets.
Spoiler Alert: I drove 1,000 people to the website - not a single one signed up for the free playbook.
Now, a single Facebook ads campaign isn't indicative of an idea's validity.
But building the prototype clued me into one key thing - my ideas are moonshots.
What do I mean by that? Changing the education system is a massive undertaking that requires a great deal of resources.
I am not confident that I have the financial or the social capital to execute missions #1 or #2, at the moment.
Results of the Essential Skill Sets ad campaign. The top row was a financial education focussed ad. The bottom row was a general education ad. The financial education component resonated with people more. As a result, cost per click (CPC) was 3x cheaper. Still, not a single person bit on the free playbook I had listed - meaning I had 0% conversion on my call to action (CTA)...laymen terms - that's not good.
Failure is to be expected. In fact, I need to fail more.
I know 3 things:
Moonshots require repeated experiments so you can learn from your failures.
These experiments are easier to execute/learn from with resources.
Financial resources are not easily acquired in education.
The profit margins in education aren't favorable (which is likely the leading variable causing a lack of innovation in this space.)
By starting with limited resources in an industry that is not known for making money, I could potentially hamper my ability to facilitate experiments, fail fast, and identify what does/doesn't work.
If I am not failing fast and identifying what works alongside a strong team, it will be difficult to make these moonshots a reality.
tl;dr I first need to build social and financial capital to execute these moonshots.
I'm not saying I couldn't make change if I jumped in full-time on these 2 moonshots now.
I'm just saying I think I could execute better with higher leverage and bring about more systematic change if I had said capital down the line.
The landing page of the curriculum I produced at essentialskillsets.com. This hasn't proven to be successful, but I love this design.
Resource acquisition first, moonshot second.
So we know I need money, and we know I need to build a network.
Last week, I outlined the 5 ways in which we make money - labor, optimization, performance, creativity, and judgment.
In 2023, I will be pursuing creativity (founding a company) with all of my effort.
Why? Starting company allows me to build resources in the 2 areas that I'm lacking in:
Social Capital - allows me to collaborate with awesome people with a similar mind for taking moonshots
Financial Capital - allows me to build equity within a company and develop the necessary resources to fund the moonshots (this is fully dependent on the company being successful - lol)
Feels kinda weird saying, "I want to acquire more money."
But I'm a strong believer that money doesn't change you. Rather it amplifies who you are and what you're about.
My goals with money are simple - control my time and use it to amplify my two missions in education.
Link to last week's piece on the 5 ways we make money.
My focus is on becoming a founder in 2023.
We've now set forth the following parameters:
I don't have the resources for the moonshots.
I will acquire the necessary resources by starting a successful company.
I will return to the moonshots when I have resources and a higher degree of leverage.
To accomplish #2, I'm asking myself the following question:
What intersection of skills, industries, and problem sets are you uniquely qualified to operate in?
Skills - product strategy and storytelling
Industries - web3 and AI
Problem sets - TBD
Hate to leave you hanging on specifics re: the problem sets, but frankly I'm still working it all out myself.
I promise to report back updates here.
Here's to what I hope is a whole bunch of failure in 2023 that empowers me to return to my 2 missions down the road - whether that be 2 years, 10 years, or 20 years from now.
What I'm paying attention to:
Hourglasses and Tree Stands by Haley Brengartner - This is the best piece I read this week. It's on Haley's first experience hunting. Here's a snippet: "An (actually fun) ER visit and 5 stitches later, Auston asked me a question that I meditated on long after my response. 'So, are you done hunting?,' he asked with sympathetic eyes, to which I responded 'no' with a giggle."
Photos of The Week
Location this past week: Durham, NC
Took part in Durham holiday tradition #2 - the lighting of the Christmas tree in City Center.
I joined the Research Triangle's local Eagles' fan club - Tri Eagles Fly.
Lunch with friends Mike and Emily from Colorado who were traveling through the Mid-Atlantic region for the holiday season!
While writing my 2022 annual review, I was looking over analytics from this past year. There was a massive spike of traffic to my personal website on 3/31/2022. Despite my best efforts, I can't track how this came about. My hypothesis: someone featured my content in their newsletter that day. Why do I think that? You can track an acquisition source from a website. You can't from an email. So, to whoever highlighted my content 8.5 months ago... I don't know who you are, but thank you 😂
This is the reach of my writing from this past year. I had readers from almost all of North America, Asia, and Europe, got a few folks from Australia, a great deal were from South America, and parts of Africa!!
I typically don't edit this newsletter the morning of, but I took this picture of Durham after returning from an F3 workout at 5:30am today. F3 stands for fitness, fellowship, and faith. They're free, peer-led workouts for men across the country. No one goes by their real name. Everyone gets a nickname. Some example names include "Sprinkles" or "Banana Split." It was my first time going, so the group affectionately named me "Matt Foley." Why did I get a seemingly "real name" as a nickname? Because I lived in a van down by a river.
Thanks for reading
What moonshots do you want to make?
Is there a way in which I can help you make them?
Shoot me a reply and let me know!
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