
Consider this newsletter a digital elevator.


Welcome to the Build Better Newsletter - a place where I can distribute my thoughts on building better businesses, technologies, and lives.

The pandemic has made "elevator conversations" nearly impossible.

They're those conversations when the personal and professional blend, and you get to uncover people's true interests.

I haven't had these conversations in about 2 years, and it is driving me insane.

So consider this newsletter a place for me and you to have intentional elevator conversations.

I'll share what I'm up to, what I'm learning, and what I'm building.

If anything resonates with you, I hope you'll hit the reply button and share your thoughts.

Here's my goal:

Put something in your inbox that you enjoy reading.

You don't have time to read something that isn't fun and informative.

I don't have time to write something that isn't fun and informative.

So we'll work together to keep things at elevator's length - quick and down to the details with the occasional witty remark mixed in to keep it light.

Here's what you can expect:

  • Consolidated notes on what I'm reading/learning

  • Real-time updates on projects that I'm designing/building (i.e. a home on wheels)

  • Highlights from conversations with people building cool stuff on my podcast - Building Out Loud

Why did you receive this?

You signed up for my newsletter via my online portfolio.

Thanks for being along for the ride from day 1.

Looking forward to building better together,


Preview of next week's newsletter:


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