
Where human interaction meets technology.

Howdy from Durham,

I recently learned about an emerging field where technology and the social sciences meet.

Let’s jump into it.

What is cyberpsychology?

We carry devices in our pockets with a higher degree of computing power than what got us to the moon.

This is unlike any other time in human history and is bound to have massive impacts upon our minds, behaviors, and overall well-being.

That’s where cyberpsychology comes in.

Cyberpsychologists study technology’s effect upon the mind in order to provide insight into how we can thrive in a digital age.

It’s a rapidly growing field with a wide number of research topics.

What are some of the research areas within cyberpsychology?

  1. Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR): how do virtual environments affect our behaviors?

  2. Digital Well-being: what are the costs and benefits of technologies upon our holistic health?

  3. Digital Identity and Self-presentation: what are the ways we present ourselves online in contrast with how we present ourselves in the physical world?

  4. Cybersecurity from a Human Perspective: how do scams utilize human emotions to take advantage of vulnerable groups of people?

  5. Digital Addictions: how might we step away from highly addictive tech even when the costs outweigh the benefits?

  6. Social Dynamics in Online Communities: how might online radicalization, echo chambers, or misinformation and conspiracy theories spread at faster rates in digital environments?

  7. Impact of AI and Automation: how will AI affect the psychological well-being of workers whose jobs may be impacted?

  8. Digital Learning and Cognition: how do does learning online impact educational value, information retention, and fulfillment in the classroom?

It’s interesting to see how these topics relate to my previous pieces (such as the one above on becoming a design ethicist).

Who are the prominent leaders in the field?

The common thread up front: these leaders are all PhDs, psychology professors, and prolific writers.

Dr. Mary Aiken:

Research focus: tech’s effect on human behavior.

Impact: wrote The Cyber Effect on human behavior in a digital world.

Dr. John Suler:

Research focus: pioneered research on the psychology of cyberspace.

Impact: wrote the go-to book on cyberpsychology - The Psychology of The Digital Age.

Dr. Daria Kuss:

Research focus: social media and online gambling addictions.

Impact: prolific in preparing comprehensive reviews and empirical studies on internet addictions.

Dr. Nicola Fox Hamilton:

Research focus: dating in a digital age.

Impact: part of the Cyberpsychology Research Group at the Institute of Art, Design, and Technology (IADT) in Dublin.

Dr. Grainne Kirwan:

Research focus: cybercrimes and how to prevent them.

Impact: co-author of Cyberpsychology and New Media. 

Dr. Ciarán McMahon:

Specialization: history and philosophy of cyberpsychology.

Impact: wrote The Psychology of Social Media.

From what I can tell, Dr. John Suler is the

What I’m Paying Attention To:

How quickly things change

Thanks for reading

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