Discovery in the 21st Century

Where tech meets the social sciences.

Howdy from Durham,

I’m in the process of moving to Raleigh for a new job.

That means we’re going with a shorter newsletter focussed on curation, not creation.

Tech, psychology, and philosophy.

I’ve hit publish once a week for the past year and a half.

No agenda, no plan. I just send stuff into the universe to see what sticks.

It’s a great exercise to see what you care about.

You can’t fib your way through it. You’ve gotta lean into what you’re curious about, or it won’t work.

It’s pretty clear to me that I’m honing in on tech, psychology, and philosophy.

My overarching framework: technology can do incredible good, but we need to steward it with respect to our psychology and ancient wisdom from philosophy.

Here are my 4 favorite pieces which operate under that framework - hope you enjoy:

What I’m Paying Attention To:

Bryce Harper is the man

Thanks for reading

I’ll be back next week with an original piece,


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